(440) 653-3476 krolenz@uuma.org

Anti-Racism, Anti-Oppression Work During the Interim

“We, the member congregations of the Unitarian Universalist Association, covenant to affirm and promote: journeying toward spiritual wholeness by working to build a diverse multicultural Beloved Community by our actions that accountably dismantle racism and other oppressions in ourselves and our institutions.”  The Eighth Principle

Anti-racism work is like peeling the metaphorical onion. You take off one layer, only to discover ever more subtle layers of how white dominant culture and white supremacy works. Blatant racial prejudice and acts of white superiority and supremacy are only the first layers. Start peeling that onion and you find layers of white supremacy you didn’t even know existed.  Its odor can be detected in everything from the thoughts we harbor but never speak aloud to institutional practices that actively harm Black, Brown, Pacific-Islander, Indigeneous, People of Color. 

When the Eighth Principle was proposed, it was intended to serve as a necessary corrective to the, what was then, known as the Seven Principles of Unitarian Universalism.  It addressed something vital that had been missing in our UU movement, namely that anti-racism and anti-oppression must be central to congregational life and our community building.At the 2024 General Assembly, Unitarian Universalists passed a new set of core values: Justice, Equity, Transformation, Pluralism, Integrity, Generosity.   Embedded in the longer description of these core values is a commitment to de-centering whiteness and centering anti-racism, anti-oppression work as integral to our faith as Unitarian Universalists. As a result of this major change to what was known as the Seven Principles, many congregations have folded in the eighth principle into their church’s governance, personnel and policy practices. 

At Unity Church Unitarian in Saint Paul, MN, they did not adopt the 8th Principle; however their anti-racism and anti-oppression commitments and practice was embedded in everything from their Ends to committee meetings.  All Souls Church Unitarian, Washington DC  is one of the few truly multi-racial congregations I have had the pleasure to serve.  All Souls has not only had a history of multicultural membership and leadership, they have experienced first hand the pain and the promise of building a multiracial Beloved Community.  It IS possible – it will never be perfect – and it requires the work, especially of white people – to fearlessly confront the realities of white supremacy in all levels of our institutions.

Committing to anti-racism and anti-oppression work is a core commitment for me, both personally and institutionally. The work is never finished and I still have much to learn.  It is, in fact, a life-long learning process.  I undertake the daily task of confronting and challenging racism and other oppressions within myself and in the institutions I serve with joy, hope and love.  As I’ve said earlier in another part of this website, this is a core and essential value for me.  I will serve you best if we are in alignment about this important work.

How Do I Practice my Commitment to Anti-Racism and Anti-Oppression?

Anti-racism, anti-oppression work never ends.  However, each new learning and engagement opportunity helps reveal another layer of the onion skin.  I’ve co-led three iterations of Beloved Conversations, attended Jubilee World I & II (twice); taken the IDI (Intercultural Development Inventory) twice; regular attender of SURJ (Showing Up for Racial Justice); Co-led Building the World We Dream About (2x); Intercultural Coaching – 2 years with Rev. Dr. Hope Johnson; ARAOMC trainings at General Assembly since 2000; Allies for Racial Justice; regularly seeking opportunities to show up at the invitation of people of color and/or to use and share the pulpit to draw attention to and inspire action towards greater understanding of anti-racist and anti-oppression work.

My work as your interim is to help YOU and your congregation discern for yourselves where you are on the Intercultural Development Spectrum.  I can bring knowledge and experience to assist you in buildlng the Beloved Community that is always in the making.