(440) 653-3476 krolenz@uuma.org

Transitional/Interim Ministry

A Unique Opportunity for Reflection and Growth
Preparing the Soil.  Congregations in transition have a unique opportunity to evaluate their ministry and to prepare the ground for the new settlement. There are two metaphors that come to mind when I consider the interim/transitional tasks. The first metaphor is breaking up solid ground to allow for seeds to take root. This is not to say that an interim minister’s first job is to come in and shake everything up! However, it is to discern what changes may be needed for this time in a congregation’s life.  Congregations in transition are congregations in some form of crisis. Regardless whether the departure of their senior minister or ministers was smooth and expected,  tumultuous and difficult, the transition throws everything into question. The interim’s job, in partnership with lay leaders, is to discern what fields need to be overturned to permit new growth and vitality, and which ones need to lay fallow for now.Pruning. The second metaphor that comes to mind when I consider what an experienced interim minister can do is pruning. Good pruning requires careful study, sharp tools, and a knowledge of the plant as a whole. When plants are allowed to grow without pruning, they become weakened by neglect. Some programs that were started by the former minister may have run out of energy, but members may have a hard time letting it go. Worship may have become stale or overly accommodating to individual needs. The interim will have an eye for what may need to be pruned during an interim time to allow for new energy to emerge.However, none of this is done in isolation! An interim minister consults with key leaders, discusses her thoughts and insights with the Board, and collaborates with a number of lay leaders. After all, it is your church, your congregation, but the role of the Interim can be like the real estate agent who comes into your home and notices in short order all of those things which you cannot see because you have been living comfortably with it for many years.  The interim time is not just “a holding pattern.”  It’s an important time to evaluate your past, assess the health of your present congregation, and prepare for the future.


As an Accredited Interim Minister (AIM) I am guided by the five primary developmental tasks of interim ministry.  Check the link on this website that goes into more depth.

Below are some highlights of previous interim ministries I’ve served:

Unity Church Unitarian, Saint Paul, MN  (2022-2024) – Membership 867

Unity Church had planned to call their next minister in May 2022; however, the vote was not sufficiently high enough to extend the call.  Unity Church reached out to me to serve as their interim minister as they were without a Senior Minister for the upcoming church year.  A few of the accomplishments from that interim time:

  1. Hired two Ministers of Congregational Care (2022-2023 and 2023-2024)

  2. Worked closely with the Executive Team (the Interim Senior Minister, Executive Director and the Minister of Faith Formation)
  3. Developed a clear plan for the two year interim; which included significant grief work and conflict transformation surrounding the failed search of 2022;
  4. Worked closely with the Board of Trustees and other key leaders in the congregation to support the church in their transition;
  5. Explored the Five Developmental Tasks of Interim Ministry: History, Identity, Denominational Connections; Leadership Transitions and Preparing for the Future.
  6. Provided pastoral leadership and support surrounding the deaths of their two fomer co-ministers;

All Souls Church Unitarian, Washington DC (2020-2022) – Membership: 1,100

1. Established a co-equal relationship with the Executive Director in an innovative approach to de-centering hierarchy and white  leadership.

2. Helped the Board understand and interpret their policy-based governance structure.

3. Created a visiting minister series and minister-in-residence to bring colleagues of color to the All Souls pulpit

4. Created an internship for a Meadville-Lombard Leadership Studies intern of color

5. Discerned that All Souls would be best served by a minister of color for the final year of the interim period.

Unitarian Universalist Church of Annapolis, Annapolis, MD (2018 – 2020) – Membership 381

1. Helped the congregation discern their leadership needs, moving from Senior Minister & Associate model to one of collaborative and co-equal leadership.  The church moved Rev. John Crestwell from Associate Minister to Co-Senior Minister.

2. Helped the congregation process and grieve the tragedy of losing a church member to gun violence (Capital Gazette shooting);

3. Helped establish clear lines of authority and accountability between staff, ministry teams and volunteers.

4. Worked closely with their Building Beloved Community to develop congregational skills with Anti-Racism and Anti-Oppression;

5. Encouraged and supported the passing of the 8th Principle.

Other Interims Include

 Fox Valley Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, Appleton, WI  (2015 – 2017); Membership 718

The Unitarian Universalist Society of Cleveland (2004-2005), part-time, while serving West Shore); Membership 70.  The UU Society of Cleveland merged with the First Unitarian Church of Shaker Heights.

The UU Church of Glen Allen (1999-2000); Membership 150